May 11, 2014 additions

The special ad of the quarter: our site now hosts a near exhaustiveness of Jean-Dominique Lajoux's photos related to our selection of populations, resulting in more than 1600 elements. This is an important step that puts our little website, with a total of more than 3500 documents available online, among the top websites of the kind.

  • Another interesting series by Jean-Dominique Lajoux, the visit to the Pleiku market, probably of Jarai people from the surrounding villages. Obviously, quite a world apart from the current city of Pleiku with its skyscrapers.
  • The document of the quarter intends to be a wink at one of our logos, the one showing a lying water buffalo under a sacrifice post (seen here) : a nice water buffalo with long horns   immersed in a mud pool. Quite a treat for a buffalo, like we hope our website could be for the local people.

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