Series / Série

  Document Series men_path includes  3 documents  Sort by
 Ref.: 2364 
 Two men walking on a path in a pine forest 
 Location: unknownDate: 1955
 Publisher: site www.uplands.infoMedium: électronique
 Collection: Jean-Dominique LajouxInterest: 4/4
 Ref.: 2366 
 Two men a pine forest, one is holding a bundle of stems and a sword/machete in its case, the other an axe and a waterproof shield 
 Location: unknownDate: 1955
 Publisher: site www.uplands.infoMedium: électronique
 Collection: Jean-Dominique LajouxInterest: 4/4
 Ref.: 675 
 Man squatting and smoking his water pipe, his sword standing by his side 
 Location: unknownDate: 1955
 Publisher: site www.uplands.infoMedium: papier photo
 Collection: Jean-Dominique LajouxInterest: 4/4